Jeu des Vertus et des Péchés (Game of virtues and sins)
Article: 007077
Country: France
Manufacturer: Maker unknown.
Jeu des Vertus et des Péchés (Game of virtues and sins). Design: JV. 56, complete. Color line block, enhanced with gilt, 87x55 mm, round corners, no index mark. Backs: Apple tree, white on reddish brown or bluish grey background. Circa 1950 ?
The game board is designed like a triptych. It is pasted on 3 wood panels joined by a ribbon and displays Heaven, Earth, Hell and the path. The reddish brown cards unveal the destiny, they are positive (angel, wisdom, repentance and good deeds), negative (demon, vice, misbehavior and evil deeds) or conditional (love); the bluish grey ones mean the character: sins and virtues, flaws and good qualities. Aim of the game is to avoid Hell and reach Heaven by counteracting the bad cards with the corresponding good ones (generosity - avarice...) or by using these to progress along the 9 stations of the game. According to the rules, it was inspired by certain mystery plays of the Middle Ages. A copy is kept in the Musée Dauphinois in Grenoble.
Min. damaged OBox, with the game board, the 4 octogonal differently colored wooden pieces and the folded instructions, 2 cards somewhat damaged (one at the back, the other one at the front), otherwise mint.
$ 396.21
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