Filmsterren A (Movie stars A)
Article: 004496
Country: Netherlands
Manufacturer: Speelkaartenfabriek Nederland, Amsterdam, for Maple Leaf B.V., Amsterdam.
Filmsterren A. Design: M. van Lee. 52 + J, complete. Offset, 88x58 mm, rc, 4 English index marks. Backs: Decorative panel, blue. 1958.
Lit.: Braun 496; Hogenes [1985] No. 41; Van NSF tot SN 33A; Stolzenburg [2016] 24.00.
All cards display color photos of American and European filmstars: Gary Grant, Rita Hayworth, Sofia Loren, Pier Angeli, Anita Ekberg... The joker is Eddie Constantine. The cards were inserted in packets of chewing gum.
2 cards with a faint pressure mark, otherwise almost mint.
$ 135.84
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